JBIG's 1%
StrategyFor a Better Tomorrow and Pay Forward
- We design our products for the 1% of the population who appreciate a simple but high quality lifestyle.
- Our goal is to get 1% of the world population to join us in making the world a better place.
- We give back 1% of our annual net profit to create a more simplified and fair way of living for all.
3 Pillars
- 1%of the population in first world countries is our target.
- 1%of our profit will be given back to social impact activities that aim to create more beauty in the world.
- 1%of our annual soap bar sales is donated to install handwashing facilities in the underdeveloped countries.
Some children in the world have no choice but to drink unhygienic water that can lead to sickness or death.
1.4 billion people, representing 18% of the global population, live in homes with no facilities to wash their hands.
Three billion people, representing 40% of the global population, do not have basic handwashing facilities with soap and water available at home.
Only 0.01% of total global water is accessible for daily use.
GrowthMore people = more water demand.
Half of the water consumption occurs in Asia alone.
Japan is the greatest virtual-water consuming country.
2.8 Earths is needed to live like Japanese.
Pure SimplicityThe answer is “less is more”. Learn to be content and find beauty in simplicity.
Simple is innovation